1. 80% 的教師注意到學生在情緒管理和衝突解決技能方面的改善
2. 75% 的家長注意到孩子在家中的行為改善,包括同理心和溝通技巧的提升
3. 學業成績提高 10%
4. 問題行為減少 25%
5. 社交情感技能提高 23%
6. 攻擊性行為減少 30%
如想了解更多 Second Step 課程的數據及長期效益,以下提供兩份學術期刊以供參考:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yXVaK-HxLWpWhWXKiqzCuci4gBzZBPC8?usp=sharing
✨ 為什麼選擇我們的課程?
🌟 專業團隊主理:由心理學家、社工或幼兒教育專家親自授課!
🌟 實證有效的課程:採用美國知名的Second Step課程,專注於軟技能及品格教育,提升孩子的社交情緒和學術表現!
🌟 全英授課:在學習中提升語言能力,讓孩子更自信地表達自己!
7.Growth Mindset
Terms & Conditions
📃條款及細則 Terms & Conditions
- Registration Methods (報名方法):
1.1 Participants or their parents/guardians may register online, and make payments accordingly; CareLab Ltd. will confirm via email.
參加者/參加者父母/監護人透過網上提交報名表報名及繳款;CareLab Ltd. 將以E-mail的確認訊息為準。
1.2 Participants or their parents/guardians should provide parent names, contact numbers, and email addresses on the registration form for ease of communication by CareLab Ltd.
參加者/參加者父母/監護人請於報名表上提供家長姓名、聯絡電話及電郵,方便CareLab Ltd.聯絡。
- Payment Methods and Terms (付款方式及細則):
2.1 The enrollment for the workshop will be confirmed after the payment for the tuition fee has been received.
2.2 Once payment is confirmed, all applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The company reserves the right to make the final decision.
2.3 Once the course is confirmed, there will be no refunds or transfers of slots.
2.4 Apart from the classroom being full or canceled, under any circumstances (including absence or failure to present a medical certificate on the day), the tuition fees will not be refunded, and no makeup classes will be arranged.
2.5 Slots cannot be exchanged for cash and are non-transferrable.
- Class Rescheduling Requests (課堂改期申請):
3.1 Participants may request a one-time rescheduling at least fourteen days prior to the start of the course. In the event of class cancellation, participants will be notified separately.
3.2 In special circumstances, with relevant documentation, requests may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Important Notes (注意事項):
4.1 CareLab Ltd. reserves the right to cancel courses due to insufficient enrolment or to change instructors and class times.
CareLab Ltd.有權取消人數不足的課堂或更改導師及上課時間。
4.2 Recording audio or video, or taking photos during class without the consent of CareLab Ltd. is prohibited.
未經CareLab Ltd.同意,不得在課堂中錄音、錄影或拍照。
4.3 CareLab Ltd. has the right to photograph, video record, and audio record during
classes, and to use such photos, images, sound, and videos ("records") in any format worldwide for free, permanently in any media (including but not limited to press conferences, print advertisements, posters, promotional flyers, and uploads to Facebook pages or other social networking sites or web pages for public viewing and downloading), without any payment or compensation to participants. These records are the property of CareLab Ltd. and constitute CareLab Ltd.'s exclusive property.
(CareLab Ltd.有權於課堂期間進行攝影、錄影、錄音,並將此等照片、圖片、聲訊及錄像(「記錄」)以任何格式永久免費地用於全世界的任何媒體(包括但不限於新聞發布會、平面廣告、海報、宣傳單張以及上載及載列於Facebook專頁或其他社交網站或網頁供公眾瀏覽及下載等),而無需對參加者支付款項或報酬。記錄屬於CareLab Ltd.所有,並屬於CareLab Ltd.的專有財產。)
4.4 Before deciding to participate in the class, participants or their parents/guardians need to be aware that classes may be conducted in public areas where third parties may take photos or videos. CareLab Ltd. will not be responsible for any complaints or legal actions arising from such incidents.
(在決定參加課堂前,參加者/參加者父母/監護人需要注意課堂於公衆可見之範圍内進行時或會被第三方拍下照片或錄下影像。如接獲相關之投訴追究,CareLab Ltd.將不責任何責任。)
- Typhoon and Heavy Rain Warnings (颱風及暴雨警告安排)
5.1 If classes are cancelled or rescheduled due to severe weather, CareLab Ltd. staff will notify affected participants as soon as possible. Generally, if the Observatory issues or maintains a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning 2 hours before the scheduled time of workshops, those workshops will be cancelled. All the affected workshops will be rescheduled as notified by CareLab Ltd. staff. Workshops will proceed under other weather conditions unless a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is in effect.
如因惡劣天氣而須取消課堂或更改日期,CareLab Ltd.職員將盡快通知受影響的參加者,並且另作安排。普遍而言,如天文台於預定課堂前兩小時內依然懸掛或仍懸掛8號或以上風球、紅色暴雨或黑色暴雨警告,則該課堂將會取消。所有受影響的課堂會按Care Lab Ltd.工作人員通知而另作安排補課。除懸掛8號或以上風球外、紅色暴雨或黑色暴雨警告,其他之天氣狀況,將不受影響。
- Other Terms and Conditions 其他條款及細則
6.1 CareLab Ltd. does not guarantee that the activity is suitable for any particular purpose. Participants, their parents/guardians, and participants hereby waive all rights and interests in pursuing CareLab Ltd. (if any).
CareLab Ltd.本公司不對本活動為適合任何目的作保證。參加者/ 參加者父母/監護人及參加者將放棄其追究CareLab Ltd.的所有權利及利益(如有)。
6.2 CareLab Ltd. reserves the right to suspend, terminate or cancel the activity (or any part thereof) at any time without prior notice or compensation.
CareLab Ltd.有權隨時暫停、終止或取消本活動(或其任何部分),而毋須事先通知或給與任何補償。
6.3 CareLab Ltd. reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
CareLab Ltd.有權隨時修改本條款及細則,而毋須事先通知。
6.4 The absolute interpretation of these terms and conditions is vested in CareLab Ltd.
In case of any dispute, the final decision made by CareLab Ltd. to all relevant parties shall prevail.
本條款及細則的絕對解釋權歸CareLab Ltd. 如有任何爭議,以CareLab Ltd.對所有相關方作出的最終決定為準。
6.5 According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, CareLab Ltd. will not provide personal data of applicants to third parties for direct marketing or other unrelated purposes without their consent. Also, applicants have the right to inquire and correct the personal data provided. For inquiries, viewing, or changes to personal data, please contact the Personal Data Privacy Officer of Care Lab Ltd. via email ([email protected]).
根據個人資料(私隱)條例,CareLab Ltd.未取得申請人的同意前,不會向第三者提供其個人資料作直接促銷或其他相關的用途。申請人亦有權查詢及改正Carelab Ltd.所持關於你的個人資料。如你希望查閱或改正你的個人資料,請以電郵([email protected]) 聯絡Carelab Ltd.的資料保障主任。
6.6 These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律管轄。
6.7 I have read and agree to receive messages, photos of children in class, promotional information, and the latest news from the center from Carelab via email/phone/Whatsapp.